As part of the Call for co-financing scientific and technological cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Germany for the two-year project period 2023/2024, 13 projects were approved out of a total of 35 proposed that met the conditions of the Competition. Among the approved projects are two projects that researchers from ICTM on the part of the Republic of Serbia will manage:
- Dr Miroslav Pavlović, ICTM-a and prof. dr Srećko Stopić, RWTH Aachen University – „Razvoj i testiranje novih metal-oksidnih katalizatora za reakcije redukcije i izdvajanja kiseonika u metal/vazduh baterijama // Development and testing of novel metallic oxide catalysts for ORR/OER reactions in metal/air batterise“
- Dr Vesna Cvetković, ICTM and prof. dr Bernd Friedrich, RWTH Aachen University – „Razvoj novog održivog procesa recikliranja Dy iz permanentnih NdFeB magneta // Development of a novel sustainable recycling process for Dy from high-tech NdFeB magnets“
A list of all approved projects can be found on the Ministry's website: Bilateral cooperation (
Congratulations to our colleagues and their teams on the received bilateral projects, and we wish them much success in the realization of the planned research!