University of Belgrade
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia

grb BUUniversity of Belgrade

Ivana Trajkovic

Research Assistant
Representative for the Management System of the Center of Ecology and Technoeconomics







Scientific Institution Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade,
Center of Ecology and Technoeconomics (Analytical – Ecological Laboratory), 12 Njegoseva 11001 Belgrade, Serbia
Telephone: Office: +381113370474; Lab. +381113370153
Fax: +381113370225
E-mail: trajkovic@ihtm.bg.ac.rs

Academic Degree:

2009. Enrolled in Ph.D. in Chemistry on The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
2007. Graduated, M.Sc., on The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy

Research Ranks: 2010 Research Assistant

Memberships: Serbian Chemical Society, Association for Water Technology and Sanitary Engineering

Professional Experience:

2011 – Today SI ICTM – Center of Ecology and Technoeconomics (CETE), University of Belgrade
(from 2014 as Representative management system of the Center)
2008 – 2011 SI ICTM – Department of Ecology and Technoeconomics, University of Belgrade
(from 2014 as Representative management system of the Center) CETE

Research Interests: Environmental Chemistry, Ecology, Items of the general use, Environment Protection, Water quality in reservoirs, Environment, Quality Control in Laboratory

Professional and Scientific Achievements:

Instrumental methods in analytical chemistry (Spectrophotometry, Chromatography)
Physical – chemical analysis of water and items of general use
Quality management system (Representative for the Management System)

Language Skills: English, Russian

Major Projects: Fundamental Research:

2011 – 2016 No. 176018 „Geologic and ecotoxicologic research in identification of geopathogen zones of toxic elements in drinking water reservoirs – research into methods and procedures for reduction of biochemical anomalies“
2006 – 2010 No. 146021B “Geological and ecotoxicological researches in identification of geopathogen zones of toxic elements and natural radioactivity in drinking water reservoirs on the territory of Republic of Serbia”

Major Publications:

Journal Papers:

  1. Milka Vidović, Jelena Krstić, Olivera Grozdić, Jelena Momić, Ivana Trajković, Revitalization of rotational biological contactors, Water and Sanitary Technology, Association for Water Technology and Sanitary Engineering, godina XXXIX (6), 2009., pp. 35-40. UDK: 628.35, ISSN 0350 – 5049, COBISS.SR-ID 4034818, IF = 0,081, (2008), 309/380
  2. Milka M. Vidović, Boban Milovanović, Ivana S. Trajković, Jelena G. Momić, Ilija Tomić, Reduction of Trihalomethanes Forming Potential by Adsorption of Natural Organic Matter on Ionic Exchange Resins, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2010 (2) 137-142.  doi.10.4236/jwarp.2010.22016. IF ( ISI Web of Knowledge 2014) = 0,27. ISSN 1945-3094, ISSN Online 1945-3108.       
  3. Dijana Pantelić, Jelica Simeunović, Zorica Svirčev, Milka Vidović, Ivana Trajković, Cyanotoxins: characteristics, production and degradation routes in drinking water treatment with reference to the situation in Serbia, Chemosphere 91: 421 – 441. IF (2013) = 3,499, IF (2013, 5 god.) = 3,867. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.01.003, ISSN 0045-6535
  4. Milka M. Vidović, Miloš D. Ćirić, Marko N. Rodić, Ivana S. Trajković, Sanja Z. Kicošević, 2013. Long term changes in trophic status and environmental parameters of Grlište reservoir, Serbia, Water and Sanitary Technology, XLIII (4-5): 21-36. ISSN 0350-5049, COBISS.SR-ID 4034818, UDK: 627.81:502.1(497.11)           
  5. Milka M. Vidović, Ivana S. Trajković, Saša S. Rogan, Vladimir M. Petrović, Sanja Z. Jovanić, Removal of manganese and iron from groundwater in the presence of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 6(19):1781-1792, Dec 2014. Google-based IF (2014) = 0,85. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jwarp.2014.619159, ISSN 1945-3094, ISSN Online 1945-3108
  6. Milka M. Vidović, Marko N. Rodić, Marija U. Vidović, Ivana S. Trajković and Sanja Z. Jovanić, Assessment of the trophic status by monitoring of reservoir’s water quality, Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 7(1):1-13. Jan 2015. Google-based IF (2014) = 0,85. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jwarp.2015.71001, ISSN 1945-3094, ISSN Online 1945-3108
  7. Milka Vidović, Vojin Gordanić, Ivana Trajković, Sanja Jovanić, Hydrogeochemical investigation of ground water and surface water in the neogene – quaternary sediments, Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor 2(2015): 1-12, Online pp. 101-112. DOI:10.5937/MMEB1502101V, UDK: 551.49/.051(28)(282.1)(045)=111, ISSN: 2334-8836, ISSN Online 2406-1395
  8. Vojin Gordanić, Milka Vidović, Ivana Trajković, Saša Rogan, Geochemical mapping of riverbank profiles in the basin area of the river Ibar: Role in the establishing the geochemical basis for the assessment of anthropogenic influence on the environment, Mining and Metallurgy Engineering Bor 2(2015):37-52, Online pp. 113-128. DOI:10.5937/MMEB1502113G,UDK:541.49(282.4):504.06:526.8(045)=111, ISSN: 2334-8836, ISSN Online 2406-1395 

Proceedings papers:

  1. M. Vidović, D. Nikolić, J. Krstić, I. Trajković, Karakteristike flaširanih voda sa područja Srbije, Deveta međunarodna konferencija „Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi“, Jahorina, Pale, 28-30. maja 2009., Zbornik radova (Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Water and sewage systems), str. 66-72. ISBN 978-86-82931-29-4, COBISS.SR-ID 158530316
  2. Milka Vidović, Divna Vidović, Lilijana Sokolova Đokić, Ivana Trajković, Jelena Momić, Transplacental transport of cadmium, Third International Congress „Ecology, Health, Work, Sport“ Global changes - A challenge for ecology, health, work and sport, In honor of 130 years birth of Milutin Milanković, Banja Luka, 10.-13.09.2009., Proceedings, Book 1, pp. 108-113. 556.53-048 (497.11 Republika Srpska) ISBN 978-99955-619-2-5, COBISS.BH-ID 1196568
  3. Milka Vidović, Jelena Krstić, Ivana Trajković, Olivera Grozdić, Ilija Tomić, Biorazgradnja - put do preporučenog kvaliteta otpadnih voda iz laguna industrije šećera, Međunarodna konferencija „Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad“, Subotica 29. marta -1. aprila 2010., Zbornik radova, Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, str. 75-81. ISBN 978-86-82931-34-8, COBISS.SR-ID 174159628 
  4. Jelena Krstić, Milka Vidović, Ivana Trajković, Milica Rajilić, Ilija Tomić, Uticaj aeracije na prečišćavanje otpadnih voda mlekarske industrije, Međunarodna konferencija „Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad“, Subotica 29. marta - 1. aprila 2010., Zbornik radova, Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, str. 86-89. ISBN 978-86-82931-34-8, COBISS.SR-ID 174159628      
  5. Milka M. Vidović, Ivana Trajković, Jelena Momić, Saša Rogan, Liljana Sokolova Đokić, Uticaj pH vrednosti na efikasnost uklanjanja organskih materija na postrojenjima malog kapaciteta, Deseta međunarodna konferencija „Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi“ (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Water and sewage systems), Jahorina, Pale, 20-22. maja 2010., Zbornik radova, str. 104-108. ISBN 978-86-82931-34-8, COBISS.SR-ID 175204620
  6. Milka Vidović, Jelena Krstić, Ivana Trajković, Jelena Momić, Ilija Tomić, Uticaj biorazgradnje na efikasnost tretmana otpadnih voda, Međunarodna konferencija „Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad“, Niška Banja 05 - 08. aprila 2011., Zbornik radova, Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, str. 79-83. ISBN 978-86-82931-38-6, COBISS.SR-ID 182852876
  7. Milena Lazić, Milka Vidović, Jelena Momić, Ivana Trajković, Kvalitet vode - sa aspekta uticaja na koroziju betona, Jedanaesta međunarodna konferencija "Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi" (Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Water and sewage systems), Jahorina-Pale 25-27.maja 2011., Zbornik radova, str. 112-118. ISBN 978-86-82931-41-6, COBISS.SR-ID 183722252
  8. Milka Vidović, Zorica Svirčev, Jovan Jovićević, Ivana Trajković, Ilija Tomić, Mikrocistini kao ekotoksikološki problem u akumulacijama vode za piće-struktura i metode degradacije, Jedanaesta međunarodna konferencija "Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi" (Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Water and sewage systems), Jahorina-Pale 25-27.maja 2011., Zbornik radova, str. 125-134. ISBN 978-86-82931-41-6, COBISS.SR-ID 183722252             
  9. Milka Vidović, Ivana Trajković, Ilija Tomić, Microcystins as ecotoxicological problem in drinking water reservoirs (Mikrocistini kao ekotoksikološki problem u akumulacijama vode za piće), Fourth Inernational Congress „Ecology, Health, Work, Sport“ Global changes - A challenge for ecology, health, work and sport, Banja Luka 08.-11.09.2011., Proceedings, Book 1, pp. 235-241. 556.53-048 (497.11 Republika Srpska) ISBN 978-99955-619-2-5, COBISS.BH-ID 1196568
  10. Vojin Gordanić, Dragan Milovanović, Milka Vidović, Saša Rogan, Ivana Trajković, Geochemical Map of Eastern Serbia in 1:1000000 and Application in Defining the Ecological Status of Selected Areas, MAEGS 17, Belgrade, September 14.-18.09.2011., Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societes (MAEGS17), Serbian Geological Society, The Association of European Geological Societies, pp. 187-191.ISBN 978-86-86053-10-7, COBISS.SR-ID 185816844
  11. Milka Vidović, Ilija Tomić, Jelena Đorđević, Jelena Jovanović, Ivana Trajković, Uticaj pH vrednosti na izdvajanje H2S pri pripremi vode za piće, Dvanaesta međunarodna konferencija "Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi" (Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Water and sewage systems),, Jahorina-Pale 23-25.maja 2012., Zbornik radova, str. 127-130. ISBN 978-86-82931-48-5, COBISS.SR-ID 190724876
  12. Dr. Milka Vidović, Vojin Gordanić, Prof. Dr. Vesna Spasić-Jokić, Bojan Gavrilović, Ivana Trajković, Hydrogeochemic al investigation and Environmental status of ground water and water accumulations in the neogene – quaternary sediments of Bela Crkva, 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2012, Albena Resort, Bulgaria 17-23 June, 2012, Conference Proceedings, Volume III, pp.713-720. DOI:10.5593/SGEM_GeoConference, ISSN:1314-2704, h impact 3 (ISI Web of Knowledge, 2014)                                                   
  13. Vojin Gordanić, Dr. Milka Vidović, Prof. Dr. Vesna Spasić Jokić, Ivana Trajković, Vladimir Petrović, Application of overbank sediment for geochemical mapping and contamination assessment: results of selected fluvial plains of the southern Serbia, 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2012, Albena Resort, Bulgaria 17-23 June, 2012, Conference Proceedings, Volume IV, pp.49-56. DOI:10.5593/SGEM_GeoConference, ISSN:1314-2704, h impact 3 (ISI Web of Knowledge, 2014)
  14. Vojin Gordanić, Dr. Milka Vidović, Prof. Dr. Vesna Spasić Jokić, Ivana Trajković, Saša Rogan, Regional hydrogeochemical mapping: an ecological status of natural radionuclides and other toxic elements mapping and contamination assessment: results of selected fluvial plains of the southern Serbia, 12th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2012, Albena Resort, Bulgaria 17-23 June, 2012, Conference Proceedings, Volume II, pp.237-244. DOI:10.5593/SGEM_GeoConference, ISSN:1314-2704, h impact 3 (ISI Web of Knowledge, 2014)               
  15. Milka Vidović, Ivana Trajković, Marko Rodić, Saša Rogan, Vladimir Petrović, Bottled water quality and redox potential as an indicator of their health safety (Kvalitet flaširanih voda kao indikator njihove zdravstvene ispravnosti), Fifth International Congress „Ecology, Health, Work, Sport“, Banja Luka 06.-09.09.2012., Proceedings, Book 1, pp. 309-318. COBISS.BH-ID 1196568, ISBN 987-99955-619-2-6
  16. Milka M. Vidović, Ivana Trajković, Marko Rodić, Importance, preparation and water conditioning in the food industry (srpski Značaj, priprema i kondicioniranje vode u prehrambenoj industriji), Book of contributions of The International Conference – Water Quality in the Waterwork Systems and Industry Water, 8 - 9. November 2012, pp. 187-191, Belgrade, Serbia. ISBN 978-86-82931-54-6; COBISS.SR-ID 194445068
  17. Gordanić Vojin, Milka Vidović, Trajković Ivana, Vladimir Petrović and Ana Seke, The role of overbank and stream sediments in the making of geochemical map of additive scattering halos; Cu+Pb+Zn and defining the ecological status of the region of Eastern-Central-Western and part of Southern Serbia, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2013, Albena Resort, Bulgaria 17-22 June, 2013, Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining, Conference Proceedings, Volume I, pp.225-232, DOI:10.5593/sgem2013, ISSN:1314-2704, ISBN 978-954-91818-7-6, h impact 3 (ISI Web of Knowledge, 2014)                                                  
  18. Saša Rogan, Milka Vidović, Vojin Gordanic, Ivana Trajkovic and Vladimir Petrovic, Perspectives of geothermal energy in Vojvodina with the development of tourism, 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, SGEM 2013, Albena Resort, Bulgaria 17-22 June, 2013, Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference Proceedings - Volume I, pp.173-178, DOI:10.5593/sgem2013, ISSN:1314-2704, ISBN 978-954-91818-7-6, h impact 3 (ISI Web of Knowledge, 2014)  
  19. Milka Vidovic, Vojin Gordanic, Vesna Spasic-Jokic, Ivana Trajkovic, Vladimir Petrovic, Hydrogeochemical characteristics of volcanoclastic sediment complex and impact of natural radionuclides on the environment of Vranjska spa, 14th GeoConference on Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and mining, Conference Proceedings, Volume II – Section Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Geotechnics, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM2014, Albena, Bulgaria 17-26 June, 2014, pp. 473-480. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B12, ISBN 978-619-7105-08-7, ISSN 1314-2704.
  20. Vojin Gordanic, Milka Vidovic, Vesna Spasic-Jokic, Ivana Trajkovic, Sasa Rogan, The role of hydrogeochemistry in defining geopathogenic zones of natural radionuclides influence in the living environment of rural settlements, 14th GeoConference on Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation, Conference Proceedings, Volume I – Section Ecology & Environmental Protection,  International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM2014, Albena, Bulgaria 17-26 June, 2014, pp. 771-778. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B51, ISBN 978-619-7105-17-9, ISSN 1314-2704.
  21. Sasa Rogan, Milka Vidovic, Ivana Trajkovic, Vladimir Petrovic, Vojin Gordanic, Water quality degradation in the reservoir „Grliste“ as a result of inadequate implementation of sanitary protection zone, 14th GeoConference on Water Resources, Forest, Marine and Ocean Ecosystems, Conference Proceedings, Volume I – Section Hydrology & Water Resources, International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConferences SGEM2014, Albena, Bulgaria 17-26 June, 2014, pp. 857-861. DOI: 10.5593/sgem2014B31, ISBN 978-619-7105-13-1, ISSN 1314-2704.      
  22. Milka Vidović, Sanja Jovanić, Ivana Trajković, Miloš Ćirić, Željka Gotovina, Efikasnost primene modela određivanja koeficijenta biorazgradnje otpadnih voda (Efficiency of the model application to determine the coefficient of biodegradation of wastewater), Međunarodna konferencija „Otpadne vode, komunalni čvrsti otpad i opasan otpad“ (International conference Waste waters, municipal solid waste and hazardous wastes), 21-23 april 2015.god., Budva, Montenegro, Zbornik radova, Udruženje za tehnologiju vode i sanitarno inženjerstvo, str. 77-83, ISBN 978-86-82931-49-2,COBISS.SR-ID 214377996                                                
  23. Ivana Trajković, Milka Vidović, Vesna Vujačić, Sanja Jovanić, Ana Pantelić, Ispravnost proizvoda za decu i odojčad koji potencijalno mogu da sadrže ftalate (Safety of children and infants products that can potentially contain phthalates), Sedmi međunarodni kongres Ekologija, zdravlje, sport (7th International Congress „Ecology, Health, Work, Sport“), Banja Luka 21.-23. maj 2015., Proceedings, pp. 714-717. 502/504(082), 504:613(082), COBISS.BH-ID 5008664, ISBN 978-99955-619-5-6               
  24. Milka Vidović, Marko Rodić, Marija Vidović, Ivana Trajković, Sanja Jovanić, Razvojne faze u životu akumulacije i procena trofičkog statusa (Developmental stages in the life of reservoir and assessment of the trophic status), Sedmi međunarodni kongres Ekologija, zdravlje, sport (7th International Congress „Ecology, Health, Work, Sport“), Banja Luka 21.-23. maj 2015., Proceedings, 144-149. 502/504(082), 504:613(082), COBISS.BH-ID 5008664, ISBN 978-99955-619-5-6
  25. Milka Vidović, Sanja Jovanić, Ivana Trajković, Željka Gotovina, Ana Pantelić, Određivanje koeficijenta biorazgradnje otpadnih voda (Determination of coefficient of biodegardation for wastewater), Sedmi međunarodni kongres Ekologija, zdravlje, sport (7th International Congress „Ecology, Health, Work, Sport“), Banja Luka 21.-23. maj 2015., Proceedings, pp. 150-154. 502/504(082), 504:613(082), COBISS.BH-ID 5008664, ISBN 978-99955-619-5-6