Department of Electrochemistry (DEC) is one of the Departments-Founders of ICTM, world-wide recognized upon its excellence in research of synthesis and characterization of electrocatalytic materials, electrowinning, electrometallurgy, corrosion issues and electroremediation.
Department of Electrochemistry (DEC), consisted of 22 PhDs and 10 PhD candidates, is engaged in fundamental and applied research in the fields of electrocatalysis, surface electrochemistry, energy conversion, metal deposition, corrosion, electrochemical sensors and electroremediation. Its intensive scientific activity is evidenced in participation in 11 Yugoslav/Serbian - USA projects, 2 Serbian-Polish projects, 1 Serbian-Croatian project, 2 EU projects and more than 20 national projects. DEC continuosly cooperates with research teams from top scientific laboratories: Materials Science Division of the Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, USA, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany, IME Process Metallurgy and Metal Recycling, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany...
The activities of the Institute cover the following research fields: synthesis, electrochemical characterization and catalytic properties of precious metals, their oxides and complex compounds, surface and electrochemical properties of carbon materials, modified glassy carbon and conducting polymers, development and properties of electrochemical sensors, surface characterization by ultra high vacuum techniques (AES, XPS) and STM; conductive oxide materials, electrochemical deposition and dissolution of metals and alloys.