University of Belgrade
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia

grb BUUniversity of Belgrade

Ivana Djordjević

Research Assistant







IHTM- Center for Chemistry, Njegoševa 12, 11000 Belgrade 6, PAK 125213
Faculty of Chemistry, Studentski trg 12-16, 11158 Belgrade 118, PAK 105104
E-mail: ivana.djordjevic@chem.bg.ac.rs

Education: 2009. Bachelor of Science with Honours in Chemistry- equivalent MSc in Chemistry

Research Ranks:

2009. Research Trainee
2013. Research Assistant

Memberships: Serbian Chemical Society

Professional Experience: 2009. – present IHTM – Center for Chemistry

Research Interests: Inorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Computational Chemistry

Professional Skills:

Work in professional programs (CFF, Gaussian, GAMESS, RESP; Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite; Adobe Dreamweaver; Microsoft Office)

Language Skills: English language


Fundamental Research:
2006-2011. ''Chemical and biochemical consequences of metal-ligand interactions '', Ministry of Education
and Science, the Republic of Serbia, Grant No. 142017
2011-2015. ''Rational design и synthesis of biological active and coordinative compounds and funcional
materials, relevan за (bio)nanotechnology'', Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
Development, the Republic of Serbia, Grant No. 172035

Major Publications:

Published papers:

  1. Jong-Ha Choi, Svetozar Niketić, Ivana Djordjević, William Clegg, Ross Harrington, "Crystal structure and conformational analysis of s-cis-(acetylacetonato)(ethylendiamine-N,N′-diacetato)
    chromium(III)", Journal of Molecular Modeling (2012), 18, 2135-2146.
  2. Ivana Djordjević, Svetozar Niketić , "Atomic partial charges for mixed chloroammine chromium(III) complexes fitted to the molecular electrostatic potential", Computational and Theoretical Chemistry (2012), 1001, 20-25.
  3. Ivana Djordjević, Sonja Grubišić, Miloš Milčić, Svetozar Niketić, "Derivation of a new set of force field parameters for ammine complexes of chromium(III) containing halogeno ligands: modelling the trans-influence of halogenido ligands", Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society (2015), 80, 329-342.

Conference Proceedings and Papers:

  1. Ivana Djordjević, Svetozar Niketić, "Crystal and molecular structure of [Cr(edda)(acac)] complex", XVII Conference of the Serbian Crystallographic Society, Ivanjica, June 3-5th 2010.
  2. Ivana Djordjević, Svetozar Niketić, "Partial atomic charges fitted do the molecular electrostatic potential. A case of coordination compounds", Golden Jubilee Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society, Belgrade, June 14-15th 2012.