University of Belgrade
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia

grb BUUniversity of Belgrade

Ivana Jokić

Research assistant






Center of Microelectronic Technologies, Institute of chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy,
University of Belgrade, Njegoševa 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Telephone: +381 11 2628 587
Fax: +381 11 2182 995
E-mail: ijokic@nanosys.ihtm.bg.ac.rs

Short Biography:

Ivana Jokić is a research assistant with the Center of Microelectronic Technologies (CMT), Institute of Chemistry, Technology and metallurgy (IHTM), University of Belgrade. She received her Diploma Engineer and Magister of Science degrees from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.

The research activities of Ivana Jokić belong to the field of sensors and other devices based on micro- and nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS), and include the development of a new generation of MEMS and NEMS chemical and biological sensors (theoretical and experimental research), development of methods for measurement of physical quantities using microcantilever-based sensors, mathematical modeling of specific noise mechanisms in MEMS and NEMS structures, as well as the development of methods for noise measurement and minimization in MEMS and NEMS components. In the field of adsorption-desorption processes and noise she gave a number of original scientific contributions. They are applicable for adsorption-based chemical and biological sensors, as well as for other devices (e.g. MEMS high frequency resonators and oscillators intended for wireless communication systems).

She participated in several projects funded by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia, as well as in international projects (SCOPES, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation: "Micro–nanocantilever based detection of small electromagnetic forces" (IB7320–110923, 2005–2008) and the "REGMINA" FP-7 project of the European Union (2008–2011)). Currently, she participates in the national project "Micro-, Nanosystems and Sensors for Applications in Power Industry, Process Industry and Environmental Protection" (TR32008, 2011-2016), within which she manages the subproject "Research and Development of Chemical and Biological Sensors with Micro/Nanocantilevers, Research of Adsorption-Desorption Processes and Fluctuation Phenomena in MEMS/NEMS Structures".

During her internship in 2011. at the EPFL university in Lausanne (Switzerland), she participated in the research in the field of microsystem technologies.

She finished training courses for using a new generation AFM device (NT-MDT Ntegra Prima) and a photolithographic laser writer.

Ivana Jokić is an author or co-author of 20 papers in international scientific journals, 1 paper in a national journal, 45 papers at international and 11 papers at national scientific conferences from the field of microelectronics, MEMS, nanotechnologies and telecommunications. She was an invited speaker at one international conference. She won a prize for the best paper of young authors at the 47. ETRAN Conference (Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Section).

She has been a reviewer for the international journal Sensors and Actuators A – Physical.

Major Publications:

Journal Papers:

  1. I. Jokić, M. Frantlović, Z. Djurić, K. Radulović, Z. Jokić, "Adsorption–desorption noise in microfluidic biosensors operating in multianalyte environments", Microelectronic Engineering 144 (2015) 32–36.
  2. I. Jokić, Z. Djurić, K. Radulović, M. Frantlović, "Fluctuations of the number of adsorbed micro/nanoparticles in sensors for measurement of particle concentration in air and liquid environments", Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly 21 (2015) 141-147.
  3. I. Jokić, M. Frantlović, Z. Djurić, M. L. Dukić, "RF MEMS/NEMS resonators for wireless communication systems and adsorption-desorption phase noise", Invited paper, Facta universitatis - series: Electronics and Energetics 28 (3) (2015) 345-381.
  4. M. Frantlović, I. Jokić, Ž. Lazić, B. Vukelić, M. Obradov, D. Vasiljević-Radović, S. Stanković, "Temperature measurement performance of silicon piezoresistive MEMS pressure sensors for industrial applications", Facta universitatis - series: Electronics and Energetics 28 (1) (2015) 123-131.
  5. Z. Djurić, I. Jokić, A. Peleš, "Fluctuations of the number of adsorbed molecules due to adsorption-desorption processes coupled with mass transfer and surface diffusion in bio/chemical MEMS sensors", Microelectronic Engineering 124 (2014) 81-85.
  6. O. Jakšić, I. Jokić, Z. Jakšić, Ž. Čupić, Lj. Kolar-Anić, "Adsorption-induced fluctuations and noise in plasmonic metamaterial devices", Phys. Scr. T162 (2014) 014047 1-4.
  7. M. Frantlović, I. Jokić, Z. Djurić, K. Radulović, "Analysis of the Influence of Competitive Adsorption and Mass Transfer on Adsorbed Mass Fluctuations in Affinity-Based Biosensors", Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 189 (2013) 71-79.
  8. I. Jokić, Z. Djurić, M. Frantlović, K. Radulović, P. Krstajić, Z. Jokić, "Fluctuations of the number of adsorbed molecules in biosensors due to stochastic adsorption-desorption processes coupled with mass transfer", Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 166-167 (2012) 535-543.
  9. I. Jokić, Z. Djurić, M. Frantlović, K. Radulović, P. Krstajić, "Fluctuations of the mass adsorbed on microcantilever sensor surface in liquid-phase chemical and biochemical detection", Microelectronic Engineering 97 (2012) 396–399.
  10. M. Frantlović, I. Jokić, V. Savu, S. Xie, J. Brugger, "Effects of tensile stress on electrical parameters of thin film conductive wires fabricated on a flexible substrate using stencil lithography", Microelectronic Engineering 98 (2012) 230–233.
  11. D. Nešić, I. Jokić, M. Frantlović, M. Sarajlić, "Wide band-stop microwave microstrip filter on high-resistivity silicon", Informacije MIDEM, Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials 42 (2012) 282-286.
  12. Z. Djurić, I. Jokić, M. Djukić, M. Frantlović, "Fluctuations of the adsorbed mass and the resonant frequency of vibrating MEMS/NEMS structures due to multilayer adsorption", Microelectronic Engineering 87 (2010) 1181-1184.
  13. Zoran G. Djurić, Ivana M. Jokić, Miloš P. Frantlović, Katarina T. Radulović, "Two-layer adsorption and adsorbed mass fluctuations on micro/nanostructures", Microelectronic Engineering, 86 (2009)  1278-1281.
  14. Z. G. Djurić, I. M. Jokić, M. P. Frantlović, "Analysis of transient adsorption processes using micro/nanocantilever oscillators", Microelectronic Eng. 85 (2008) 1386–1389.
  15. Z. Djurić, I. Jokić, M. Frantlović, O. Jakšić, "Fluctuations of the number of particles and mass adsorbed on the sensor surface surrounded by a mixture of an arbitrary number of gases", Sensors and Actuators B 127 (2007) 625-631.
  16. Z. Djurić, I. Jokić, "Thermomechanical noise of nanooscillators with time-dependent mass", Microelectronic Eng. 84 (2007) 1639-1642.
  17. Z. Djurić, D. Randjelović, I. Jokić, J. Matović, J. Lamovec, "A new approach to IR bimaterial detectors theory", Infrared Physics & Technology 50 (2007) 51-57.

Invited paper:

  1.  I. Jokić, M. Frantlović, Z. Djurić, "RF MEMS and NEMS Components and Adsorption-Desorption Induced Phase Noise", Proc. 29th International Conference on Microelectronics MIEL 2014, Belgrade, Serbia, May 12-15, pp. 117-124 (Invited keynote lecture), ISBN 978-1-4799-5295-3.