STM / AFM Veeco - Nanoscope III d
Low-Pressure Cascade Impactors on 11 cascades: 0.0085 – 16 mm
Glaw box with balance on controlled temperature and the humidity
Anton Paar Multiwave 3000 SOLV
ICP iCap6500Duo (Thermo Scientific)
Agilent GC Systems - 7890A GC with thermal desorber Markes UNITY I
System for VOCs sampling from high temperature sources (TCR TECORA)
MRU - VARIOplus industrial gas analyzator for: CO, CO2, O2, NO, NO2, SO2, CH4, H2S, HC
Pro Ekos eight channel samplers AT-801X and Pro Ekos flow controller
Sampling pumps
Velometer – anemometer ALNOR 6000
VOC- Mole sonde for soil
Laboratoy rotary shaker REAX 20 HEIDOLPH
Laboratoy oven UN55, 53 litra, MEMMERT
Laboratoy centrifuge UNIVERZAL 320, HEITTICH
Analytical balance KERNew
Galvanostats – potenciostats (large number of different equipments) BioLigic, VoltaLab, AutoLAB, BAS, PAR
Millipore equipment for producing of 18MΩcm water
Device for synthesis of catalysts materials: ultrasonic bath, magnetic shaker, microwave, analytical balance, quartz oven