University of Belgrade
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia

grb BUUniversity of Belgrade

Representatives of the ICTM Gender Equality Committee participated in the International Workshop Horizon 2020 projects LeTSGEPs and MINtheGEPs

One of the main goals of our institute is to increase participation in international, especially EU programs, such as Horizon Europe. The design and implementation of an efficient Gender Equality Plan (GEP) are one of the main prerequisites for participation in these projects.

Representatives of the ICTM Gender Equality Committee, Tatjana Šolević Knudsen (Full Research Professor), Miloš Ćirić (Associate Research Professor), and younger colleagues Branka Lončarević (Assistant Research Professor) and Katarina Antić (Junior Researcher) attended the workshop organized by Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering in cooperation with foreign project partners. The workshops took place in the Grand Hall of SASA on June 20th, 2022.

LeTSGEPs should foster the use of Gender Budgeting (GB). MINtheGEPs also focuses on GEPs development and collection of data on the macro, meso, and micro levels. Linking with institutions participating in these H2020 projects could help the ICTM research and administrative staff to improve the GEP implementation.

For more information, visit the web pages of the projects mentioned above:
www.letsgeps.eu    and   www.mindthegeps.eu

the ICTM Gender Equality Committee, June 2022

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