University of Belgrade
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia

grb BUUniversity of Belgrade

Webinar of the International Cooperation Project Office of Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy : "Experience Sharing on Project Management Office – Example of Good Practice"


International Cooperation Project Office of Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy held a webinar „Experience sharing on Project Management Office – example of good practice“ on January 17th. The webinar was organized based on an invitation from INOMER, the service provider of the World Bank, under the Bank’s Strategic Growth Roadmap Pilot Program (SGRP). The audience was comprised of members of the leadership, project management functions and researchers from the six Institutes competitively selected to participate in the SGRP. These webinars are a part of the technical assistance and capacity building provided to these institutes. There were around 60-65 participants at the webinar.

List of Institutes:

  1. ICMPP (Iași, Romania) - “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry https://icmpp.ro/
  2. IBNA (Balotesti, Romania) - National Institute for Research & Development in Animal Biology and Nutrition  https://www.ibna.ro/
  3. ECOIND (Bucharest, Romania) - National Research and Development Institute for Industrial Ecology https://www.incdecoind.ro/
  4. NIMRD (Constanța, Romania) - National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” https://www.rmri.ro/
  5. INMA (Bucharest, Romania)  - National Institute of Research – Development for Machines and Installations Designed for Agriculture and Food Industry https://inma.ro/
  6. INCDTIM (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) - National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies http://ro.itim-cj.ro/