Univerzitet u Beogradu
Institut za hemiju, tehnologiju i metalurgiju
Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju

Aleksandra Mihajlidi-Zelić

Istraživač saradnik







Centar za hemiju, IHTM, Univerzitet u Beogradu,
Studentski trg 14-16/III, lab. 630
11158 Beograd 118, PAK 105104, Srbija
Telefon: 011 3336 801
Faks: 011 2636 061
Elektronska pošta: amzelic@chem.bg.ac.rs


1998 Diplomirani hemičar, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
2006 Mr hemijskih nauka, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu


2013 Istraživač saradnik

Članstva u društvima: Srpsko hemijsko društvo

Profesionlno iskustvo:

1999 - 2013 Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
2013 - Centar za hemiju, IHTM, Univerzitet u Beogradu

Oblasti interesovanja:

Hemija životne sredine; zagađivanje vazduha; atmosferski aerosol - hemijske i fizičke karakteristike, hemijske transformacije u atmosferi, izvori

Znanje jezika: Engleski, ruski

Najznačajniji projekti:


2007–2008 Scientific cooperation between research institutions for the study of airborne fine particles in Important Cities of the Adriatic area (SICMA), Adriatic New Neighborhood Programme INTERREG/CARDS-PHARE (INTERREG IIIA), broj 06SER02/01/004

Osnovna istraživanja:

2011–2016 Proučavanje fizičkohemijskih i biohemijskih procesa u životnoj sredini koji utiču na zagađenje i istraživanje mogućnosti za minimiziranje posledica (172001)
2006–2010 Geohemijska ispitivanja u funkciji pronalaženja novih ležišta fosilnih goriva i zaštite životne sredine (146008)
2002–2005 Hemodinamika zagađujućih supstanci akvatičnih sistema i vodnih resursa (površinske i podzemne vode i sedimenti) (101727)

Izabrane publikacije:

Monografije, poglavlja u knjigama:

  1. Popović, Aleksandar; Đorđević, Dragana; Relić, Dubravka; Vukmirović, Zorka; Mihajlidi-Zelić, Aleksandra; Polić Predrag, Speciation of Heavy Metals in Geological Matter of the Serbian National Parks, Protected Areas and Cities Within the Danube River Basin After the War Conflict in 1999, Environmental Consequences of War and Aftermath, The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Volume 3, Part U, edited by T.A. Kassim, D. Barcelo, pp. 283-320, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2009 (ISBN 978-3-540-87961-9)

Publikovani radovi:

  1. Đorđević D., Buha J.,Stortini A.M., Mihajlidi-Zelić A., Relić D., Barbante C., Gambaro A. (2016), Mass distributions and morphological and chemical characterization of urban aerosols in the continental Balkan area (Belgrade). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 851-859.
  2. Mihajlidi-Zelić A., Đorđević D., Relić D., Tošić I., Ignjatović Lj., Stortini A.M., Gambaro A. (2015), Water-soluble inorganic ions in urban aerosols of the continental part of Balkans (Belgrade) during the summer – autumn (2008). Open Chemistry 13, 245-256, DOI 10.1515/chem-2015-0010
  3. Đorđević D., Stortini A.M., Relić D., Mihajlidi-Zelić A., Huremović J., Barbante C., Gambaro A. (2014), Trace elements in size-segregated urban aerosol in relation to the anthropogenic emission sources and the resuspension. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 10949-10959.
  4. Đorđević D., Mihajlidi-Zelić A., Relić D., Ignjatović Lj., Huremović J., Stortini A.M., Gambaro A. (2012), Size-segregated mass concentration and water soluble inorganic ions in an urban aerosol of the Central Balkans (Belgrade). Atmospheric Environment 46, 309-317.
  5. Popović A, Đorđević D, Relić D, Mihajlidi-Zelić A. (2011), Speciation of Trace and Major Elements from Coal Combustion Products of Serbian Power Plants (I)- "Kostolac A" Power Plant. Energy Sources - Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects 33, 1960-1968.
  6. Popović A, Đorđević D, Relić D, Mihajlidi-Zelić A. (2011), Speciation of Trace and Major Elements from Coal Combustion Products of Serbian Power Plants (II)- "Obilic" Power Plant. Energy Sources- Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects 33, 2309-2318.
  7. Mihajlidi-Zelić A., Deršek-Timotić I., Relić D., Popović A., Đorđević D. (2006), Contribution of marine and continental aerosols to the content of major ions in the precipitation of the central Mediterranean. Science of The Total Environment 370, 441-451.
  8. Đorđević D., Mihajlidi-Zelić A., Relić D. (2005), Differentiation of the contribution of local resuspension from that of regional and remote sources on trace elements content in the atmosphere aerosol in the Mediterranean area. Atmospheric Environment 39, 6271-6281.
  9. Đorđević D., Radmanović D., Mihajlidi-Zelić A., Ilić M., Pfendt P., Vukmirović Z., Polić P. (2004), Association of trace elements in aerosol at the south Adriatic coast. Environmental Chemistry Letters 2(3), 147-150.