naučni saradnik
IHTM, Centar za hemiju, Studentski trg 12-16, 11000 Beograd
Laboratorija 640
Telefon: +381 11 3336776
Faks: +381 11 2636061
Mobilni telefon:
Elektronska pošta:
1996. Diplomirani hemičar, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.
2004. Mr hemijskih nauka, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.
2008. Dr hemijskih nauka, Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu.
2002. Istraživač pripravnik
2004. Istraživač saradnik
2008. Naučni saradnik
Članstva u društvima:
Srpsko hemijsko društvo,
Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE)
Profesionalno iskustvo:
2000.-2002. – Hemijski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
20002. i dalje – IHTM – Centar za hemiju
Oblasti interesovanja: Organska geohemija, hemija životne sredine
Znanje jezika:
Srpski (maternji jezik), Engleski, Danski
Najznačajniji projekti:
2012.– 2016. - Network for education and training for public environmental laboratories (No. 530554-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-SK-TEMPUS-JPHES).
2014.– 2017. - Capacity Building for Analysis and Reduction Measures of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Serbia ( projekat finansira: Japan International Cooperation Agency (Tokyo, Japan)).
2015.– 2017. - Environmental bio-geochemical behaviors and their geomicrobial respones to combined pollution of heavy metals, organic pollutants and flotation reagents due to typical nonferrous metal exploitation, mining and smelting (projekat bilateralne saradnje između Republike Sbije i Narodne Republike Kine).
Osnovna istraživanja:
2011. – 2016. - Geohemijska ispitivanja sedimentnih stena-fosilna goriva i zagađivači životne sredine (ON 176006).
2006. – 2010. - Geohemijska ispitivanja u funkciji pronalaženja novih ležišta fosilnih goriva i zaštite životne sredine (ON 146008).
2001. – 2005. - Proučavanje strukture, sastava i transformacija prirodnih proizvoda Zemljine kore (kerogen, bitumen, nafta, gas) (ON 1574).
2005. – 2007. - Rekultivacija deponija isplake i mogućnost remedijacije i bioremedijacije zemljišta, otpadnih voda i teških taloga, akcidentno i incidentno kontaminiranih naftom i njenim derivatima (TD 7032).
Izabrane publikacije:
- Šolević T., Jovančićević B., Vrvić M., Wehner H. (2003). Oil pollutants in alluvial sediments - the influence of contact with ground waters on effect of microorganisms; Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 68, p.p. 227 - 234.
- Đorđević D., Šolević T. (2005). Contributions of different emission sources to the content of harmful substances in the air of Pančevo; ECOLOGICA, 10, p.p. 139–144,
- Jovančićević B., Antić M., Šolević T., Vrvić M., Kronimus A., Schwarzbauer J. (2005). Investigation of interactions between surface water and petroleum type pollutant; Environmental Science and Pollution Research – International, 12, p.p. 205–212.
- Šolević T., Stojanović K., Jovančićević B., Mandić G., Schwarzbauer J., Vitorović D. (2006). Multivariate statistical methods applied to interpretation of saturated biomarkers (Velebit oil field, SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia); Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 71, p.p. 745–769.
- Kuburović N., Todorović M., Raičević V., Orlović A., Jovanović Lj., Nikolić J., Kuburović V., Drmanić S., Šolević T. (2007). Removal of methyl tertiary butyl ether from wastewaters using photolytic, photocatalytic and microbiological degradation processes; Desalination, 213, p.p. 123-128.
- Đorđević D., Šolević T. (2008). The contributions of high- and low altitude emission sources to the near ground concentrations of air pollutants; Atmospheric Research, 87, p.p 170-182.
- Šolević T., Stojanović K., Bojesen-Koefoed J., Nytoft H.P., Jovančićević B., Vitorović D. (2008). Origin of oils in the Velebit oil–gas field, SE Pannonian Basin, Serbia – Source rocks characterization based on biological marker distributions; Organic Geochemistry, 39, p.p. 118-134.
- Beskoski V., Gojgić-Cvijović G., Milić J., Ilić M., Miletić S., Šolević T., Vrvić M. (2011). Ex situ bioremediation of a soil contaminated by mazut (heavy fuel) field experiment; Chemosphere, 83, p.p. 34-40.
- Šolević T., Novaković M., Ilić M., Antić M., Vrvić M., Jovančićević B. (2011). Investigation of the bioremediation potential of aerobic zymogenous microorganisms in soil for crude oil biodegradation; Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 76, p.p. 425-438.
- Novaković M., Ramadan Muftah Mohamed Ali, Šolević Knudsen T., Antić M., Beskoski V., Gojgic-Cvijovic G., Vrvic M., Jovancicevic B. (2012). Degradation of methyl-phenanthrene isomers during bioremediation of soil contaminated by residual fuel oil. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 10, p.p. 287-294.
- Gojgić-Cvijović G., Milić J., Šolević T., Beškoski V., Ilić M., Djokić L., Narančić T., Vrvić M. (2012). Biodegradation of petroleum sludge and petroleum polluted soil by a bacterial consortium: a laboratory study; Biodegradation, 23, p.p. 1-14.
- Paunović D., Šolević Knudsen T., Krivokapić M., Zlatković B., Antić M. (2012). Sinalbin degradation products in mild yellow mustard paste; Chemical Industry, 66, p.p. 29-32.
- Muftah Mohamed Ali Ramadan, Šolević Knudsen T., Antić M., Beškoski V. P., Vrvić M. M., Schwarzbauer J., Jovančićević B. (2012). Degradability of n-alkanes during ex situ natural bioremediation of soil contaminated by heavy residual fuel oil (mazut); Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, doi: 10.2298/JSC120829106A