University of Belgrade
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia

grb BUUniversity of Belgrade

Marko Jonović, Msc

Research Assistant





Department of Electrochemistry
Njegoševa 12, 11000 Beograd 6, PAK 125213

Telephone: +381 11 3370389
Fax: +381 11 3370390
GSM: +381 60 6666578
E-mail: marko.jonovic@ihtm.bg.ac.rs


2013 Master in organic chemistry technology and polymer engineering

Research Ranks:

2013 Research Trainee
2015 Research Assistant


Professional Experience:

2013-today Licensed Chemical Advisor
2013 – today IHTM – Department of Electrochemistry

Awards and Honors:

Research Interests: Novel encapsulation and enzyme technologies for designing of new biocatalysts and biologically active compounds

Professional Skills: IR spectrophotometer methods and techniques, Mathworks Matlab Software, HPLC


Language Skills: English


Basic Research:

2013-today Influence of the mining waste from RTB Bor on the pollution of the watercourses with suggestions for the measures and procedures for minimizing the impact of the harmful effect on the environment, Ministry of Science, Education and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, TR-37001

Major Publications:

Published papers:

  1. Lj., Avramović, M., Bugarin, Z., Stefanović, L., Obradović, M., Jonović, R., Jonović, R., Marković, Uticaj rudničkog otpada iz RTB Bor na okolne vodotokove, Zaštita materijala 54, 2013, UDC:628.16:622
  2. R., Jonović, Lj., Avramović, M., Bugarin, R., Marković, Z., Stefanović, M., Jonović, Proces luženja bakra iz rudarskog otpada sa otpadnim vodama, Zaštita materijala 54, 2013, UDC:669.35:622.722.002.84
  3. Lj., Avramović, Z., Stefanović, M., Bugarin R., Jonović, R., Marković , V., Gredić, M., Jonović, J., Đorđević, Characterizationof soil in the coastal area of the Bor River, Zastita Materijala, Volume 57, 2016, 378 – 382, UDC:631.421/.425(497.11)
  4. M., Žuža, N., Milašinović, M., Jonović, J., Jovanović, M., Kalagasidis Krušić, B., Bugarski, Z., Knežević-Jugović, Design and characterization of alcalase–chitosan conjugates as potential biocatalysts, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Volume 40, Issue 11, 2017, 1713 –1723, ISSN: 1615-7591 (Print) 1615-7605 (Online)

Conference Proceedings and Papers:

  1. L., Avramović, R., Jonović, M., Bugarin, R., Marković, J., Stevanović, M., Jonović, Leaching of flotatioan tailings 18th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2014, Budapest, Hungary, 2014,  10-12
  2. R., Jonović, Lj., Avramović, M., Bugarin, Z., Stefanović, M., Jonović, The methods of oxidation of sulphide form  of copper from flotation tailings, 18th International Research/Expert Conference ”Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology” TMT 2014, Budapest, Hungary, 2014, 10-12
  3. R. Jonović, Z.Sefanović,M. Jonović, Lj.Avramović, R. Kovačević, J. Petrović, J. Đorđević, The Influence of Polluted Environmental of the Bor Region on the Quality of Plants, 47th international October Conference of Mining and Metallurgy, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia, 2015, 455-458
  4. Lj., Avramović, R., Jonović, M., Bugarin, J., Stevanović, V., Gardić, R., Marković, M., Jonović, Phisico-Chemical Caracterization of Soil Contaminated by Mining Waste in The Valley of The Bor River, The 47th  International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia, 2015, 449-454
  5. M., Pantović, Z., Stević, M., Rajčić-Vujasinović, D., Antić, M., Košević, G., Šekularac, M., Jonović, Computer System for Electrochemical Investigations of Materials, The 47th  International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, Bor Lake, Bor, Serbia, 2015, 523-528
  6. M., Jonović , M., Žuža, Z., Knežević-Jugović,  B., Bugarski, Optimization of Alcalase Immobilization on the Alginate Beads Obtained by Electrostatic Extrusion, BioTech 2017 and 7th Czech-Swiss Symposium with Exhibition, Prague, June 13-17, 2017, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, 2017, 179-180

Personal WEB page: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/E-2847-2015

Department of Electrochemistry


centar za elektrohemiju

Department of Electrochemistry

Njegoševa 12,
P. fah 473
11000 Belgrade 6
PAK 125213
Centrala: +381 11 3640 232;
Director of Center: (Ph.D. Vladimir Panić): +381 11 3640-231;
Fax: +381 11 3640-234


Karnegijeva 4/III, Belgrade, office 305
phone/fax: +381 11 3370 389,
phone: +381 11 3370 390;

Njegoševa 12, Beograd, office 26
phone/fax: +381 11 3640 234;
phone: +381 11 3370 231;

m.avramov.ivic@ihtm.bg.ac.rs (dr Milka Avramov Ivić, 
Šef laboratorije 305)
svetlana.strbac@ihtm.bg.ac.rs (dr Svetlana Štrbac, elektrokataliza)
jelena.lovic@ihtm.bg.ac.rs (dr Jelena Lović, elektrohemijski senzori)
sanjas@ihtm.bg.ac.rs (dr Sanja Stevanović, elektronska mikroskopija)
v.cvetkovic@ihtm.bg.ac.rs (dr Vesna Cvetković, Šef laboratorije 26)
mpavlovic@ihtm.bg.ac.rs (dr Miroslav Pavlović, elektroprovodni i elektroaktivni materijali, ac impedancija)
