- Detection of herbs and dietary supplements fraud using metabolomics approach
- EUREKA E!9991CADA - Računarski zasnovan sistem za asistenciju pri dijagnostici malignih oboljenja
- Superkondenzatori visoke snage zasnovani na grafen/pseudokapacitivnim materijalima
- PL 509185 Ekološka kuća bazirana na ekološko prihvatljivim polimernim kompozitnim materijalima - ECO-PCCM
- Investigations of the reaction of glucose oxidation and reduction on nanostructured nickel electrodes
- Electrocatalytical processes on nanoparticles of platinium metals
- HP-SEE Korišćenje e-Infrastruktura za naučne zajednice – Računarska infrastruktura visokih performansi za istraživačke zajednice u Jugoistočnoj Evropi
- 06SER02/01/004 Scientific cooperation between research institutions for the study of airborne fine particles in Important Cities of the Adriatic area