University of Belgrade
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia

grb BUUniversity of Belgrade

Laboratory for planar and MEMS technologies

  • Photolithography (yellow room 1 614, yellow room 2 602b)
  • Planar technologies 612
  • MEMS technologies/micromachining 614
  • Thin film technologies 614

Laboratory for planar and MEMS technologies is the central technological laboratory of the Centre of microelectronic technologies and is dedicated to the fabrication of microchips from concept to a finished product. It consists of several units complementing each other, comprising a complex technological system. 1. Design and fabrication of photolithographic masks

dizajn izrada fotolitografskih maski


2Oksidacija i difuzija

oksidacija difuzija 1

oksidacija difuzija 2


3Deponovanje tankih slojeva

deponovanje tankih slojeva


6. Nagrizanje silicijuma i formiranje membrane (mikromašinstvo)

nagrizanje sicilijuma

nagrizanje sicilijuma 2


7. Sečenje silicijumskih pločica na čipove

secenje si plocica


8. Montaža čipova na kućište

montaza cipova


9. Karakterizacija senzora

karakterizacija senzora

  • CMT announces funding through EU FP7 REGPOT project REGMINA that ensured its reinforcement as a Western Balkan centre of excellence for micro and nanosystems Regmina FP7

  • CMT is accredited by Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development as a center of excellence for microsystems and nanosystems.

  • CMT is ISO 9001 Certified.


centar za mikoelektronske tehnologije

Centre of Microelectronic Technologies

Njegoseva 12
11000 Belgrade
Offices and Labs:
Studentski trg 16/III,Belgrade
Phone: +381 11 2638 188
Fax:+381 11 2182 995