University of Belgrade
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia

grb BUUniversity of Belgrade


We research experimentally and theoretically freestanding (self-supported) nanomembranes with thickness below 100 nm (down to 3-4 nm). We fabricated metal composite freestanding structures with thickness below 8 nm and lateral dimensions of several millimeters. We also investigated various methods for functionalization of nanomembranes, including introduction of nanofillers, lamination and surface sculpting. Particularly we perform research of nanomembranes with plasmonic properties, supporting long-range plasmons polaritons and usable for chemical sensing.



U plazmonici ovakve strukture podržavaju prostiranje površinskih plazmona polaritona velikog dometa i od specijalnog interesa su za izradu hemijskih i bioloških senzora. U Centru su eskperimentalno izrađivane slobodnostojeće nanomembrane deblјine manje od 10 nm i lateralnih dimenzija oko 3 mm, dovolјno robustne da je bilo moguće vršiti manipulaciju golim rukama. Ovi rezultati publikovani su u časopisu Microelectronic Engineering. Razmatrane su različite plazmonske naprave bazirane na nanomembranama.